Caltha LLP provides expert consulting and permitting support to wastewater dischargers in Wisconsin. Under Federal and Wisconsin laws, all discharges of wastewater to the waters of the State require an NPDES permit issued by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR). Caltha has permitted all sizes of municipal discharges, industrial discharges, cooling water discharges under DNR requirements.

In addition, to meet Federal Categorical Effluent Guidelines, State rules, and local pretreatment regulations, many types of wastewater discharges to publicly owned treatment works (POTW) require a pretreatment permit. Caltha staff have also permitted a wide range of these indirect discharges.

The initial step in most permitting efforts is to determine if a WDNR permit is required at all. Caltha works with dischargers and/or their process engineers to determine what State, Federal and local requirements apply. Caltha will assemble the appropriate permit application materials and guide the project through the permitting process.

For some projects, Wisconsin impaired waters requirements or Wisconsin antidegradation requirements may need to be addressed. Caltha will determine if impaired waters or special waters rules apply and can conduct the necessary analyses to accompany the NPDES permit application. For some projects which exceed specified thresholds, as defined in a Wisconsin Environmental Protection Act (WEPA), environmental review will need to be completed.

Typical services Caltha provides to wastewater dischargers include:

  • Project review to determine application requirements and expected permit limits
  • NPDES permit application
  • Pretreatment permit application
  • Antidegradation analysis
  • WEPA Environmental review
  • Preparation of a wastewater permit compliance plan
  • Wastewater discharge monitoring plan
  • Routine reporting and preparation of WDNR Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR)


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