Possibly. Class V wells are used to inject non-hazardous fluids underground. Most Class V wells are used to dispose of wastes into or above underground sources of drinking water and can pose a threat to ground water quality, if not managed properly. Most Class V wells are shallow disposal systems that depend on gravity to drain fluids directly in the ground. There are over 20 well subtypes that fall into the Class V category and these wells are used to inject a variety of non-hazardous fluids underground. EPA estimates that there are more than 650,000 Class V wells in operation nationwide. Most of these Class V wells are unsophisticated shallow disposal systems that include storm water drainage wells, cesspools, and septic system leach fields. However, the Class V well category also includes more complex wells that are typically deeper and often used at commercial or industrial facilities.
Class V injection wells are currently regulated by the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program, under the authority of the Safe Drinking Water Act. Under the existing federal regulations, Class V injection wells are “authorized by rule” (40 CFR 144). Class V injection wells do not require a permit if they do not endanger underground sources of drinking water and they comply with other UIC program requirements.
Class V wells use injection techniques different from those used by other types of injection wells. A typical Class V well is shallow and relies on gravity to drain or inject liquid waste into the ground. There are over 20 different Class V Well types. Well types can be subdivided based on how the wells are used. Sample categories include drainage wells used for storm water and agricultural irrigation, and domestic wastewater disposal wells.
Class V storm water drainage wells manage surface water runoff (rainwater or snow melt) by placing it below the ground surface. They are typically shallow disposal systems designed to infiltrate storm water runoff below the ground surface. Storm water drainage wells may have a variety of designs and may be referred to by other names including dry wells, bored wells, and infiltration galleries. Regardless of the common name used, a Class V well by definition is any bored, drilled, or driven shaft, or dug hole that is deeper than its widest surface dimension, or an improved sinkhole, or a subsurface fluid distribution system (an infiltration system with piping to enhance infiltration capabilities).
Construction and operation of a Class V stormwater drainage well requires compliance with federal authorized by rule requirements, and potentially additional State and local permits.