by Caltha Company | Oct 23, 2017 | Waste
The 2015 Definition of Solid Waste (DSW) rule went into effect immediately in states, territories, and tribes that are not RCRA-authorized, including Iowa and Alaska. States have been encouraged to adopt the 2015 DSW final rule, and some parts of the rule, including...
by Caltha Company | Oct 1, 2017 | Due Diligence, Environmental Audit, FAQ
Many companies and other regulated entities struggle to balance the benefits and risks associated with conducting environmental compliance audits, and more importantly, what to do if non-compliance issues are uncovered, especially in the context of environmental due...
by developer | Mar 4, 2017 | Hazardous Materials, Waste
In July 2013, US EPA published a final rule which exempted launderable (reusable) and some disposable wipes containing solvent (“Solvent-Contaminated Wipes” or SCW) from regulation as solid wastes and as hazardous waste. Solvent wipes are very common waste...