Your Environmental, Safety & Sustainability Partner


Check out some of our latest projects and industry related news.

Is Phase 1 Environmental Report Sent To State?

Does a Phase I Environmental Assessment Report need to be sent to State or EPA? This is a Frequently Asked Question, along with the similar question, "Does the State or EPA have copies of old Phase 1 ESA reports?" The simple answer to both is No; performing a Phase 1...

Who Can Conduct A Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment?

If you need your assessment to meet the ASTM standard, then the “environmental professional” you use will need to provide documentation that they meet the specific qualification requirements contained in ASTM E 1527-13. The ASTM specifies the professional...

Are “Benchmark Values” The Same As “Permit Limits”?

Benchmark values differ from permit limits. In a typical wastewater NPDES permit, limits may be specified for chemical parameters; if any of the limits are exceeded, it becomes a violation of the permit and may be subject to enforcement action. Benchmark values, in...