by Caltha Company | Oct 17, 2017 | Due Diligence, Environmental Site Assessment, FAQ
A prospective Buyer is interested in a piece of commercial property and enters into a purchase agreement contingent on a phase 1 environmental site assessment, which is required by their lender. However, the seller is uncomfortable about have an environmental...
by Caltha Company | Oct 1, 2017 | Due Diligence, Environmental Audit, FAQ
Many companies and other regulated entities struggle to balance the benefits and risks associated with conducting environmental compliance audits, and more importantly, what to do if non-compliance issues are uncovered, especially in the context of environmental due...
by Caltha Company | Jan 11, 2017 | FAQ
The Negotiated Rulemaking Act (NRA) of 1996 created the Negotiated Rulemaking Committee. The NRA was “to encourage agencies to use negotiated rulemaking when it enhances the informal rulemaking process.” The purpose of the Negotiated Rulemaking Committee...
by Caltha, LLP | Dec 25, 2016 | Caltha LLP Services, EPCRA, FAQ, Hazardous Materials
EPCRA 302/311/312 reports (“Tier II Reports”) are due on an annual basis to the State and Local Emergency Planning Committee and local emergency response agencies, such as the fire department. The information provided is used in the evident of an emergency, such as a...
by Caltha, LLP | Dec 25, 2016 | Caltha LLP Services, EPCRA, FAQ, Hazardous Materials
EPCRA 302/311/312 reports (“Tier II Reports”) are due on an annual basis to the State and Local Emergency Planning Committee and local emergency response agencies, such as the fire department. The information provided is used in the evident of an emergency, such as a...
by Caltha Company | Dec 11, 2016 | Due Diligence, Environmental Site Assessment, FAQ
Lenders have a vested interest in the condition of a property they will accept as collateral. If contamination is discovered later, the value of the property can be significantly reduced and can make the property difficult to resell. Make sure to discuss with your...