One of Caltha’s core service areas is environmental permitting. Caltha provides expert and cost effective services to obtain air emission permits, wastewater permits and hazardous waste and other permits on behalf of our clients

Air Permit, Registration Permits & Permit By Rule
Caltha staff have permitted a wide range of air emission sources under Federal and State permitting programs. Caltha has supported most industrial sectors including light & heavy manufacturing, food sector, chemical industries, paper and forest products, primary and fabricated metals, electronic manufacturing and many others. Caltha provides expertise in new permitting requirements, including those tied to the Boiler MACT, RICE MACT, and emergency generator permitting requirements, which can affect numerous facilities that in the past have not been required to obtain an air permit.
Wastewater Discharge, NPDES Permits, Pretreatment Permits and Sewer Discharge Permits

Under the Clean Water Act, all discharges of waste to the waters of the US require an NPDES permit. Caltha has permitted all sizes of municipal discharges, industrial discharges, cooling water discharges.

To meet Federal Categorical Effluent Guidelines, State rules, and local pretreatment regulations, many types of wastewater discharges to publicly owned treatment works (POTW) require a pretreatment permit. Caltha staff have permitted a wide range of indirect discharges.Recently, the potential for soil vapor intrusion has become an important issue. Caltha conducts a Tier I Vapor Encroachment Screening Assessment (ASTM Standard E2600-10) with every Phase 1 ESA. If the potential for vapor encroachment can not be ruled out during the Phase 1, Caltha can conduct soil vapor testing during the Phase 2 investigation.

Stormwater Discharge Permitting
Caltha staff have been working with stormwater permitting and development of stormwater discharge permit compliance programs and SWPPP since the first stormwater rules were drafted in the 1980s. Caltha’s expertise and technical skills have resulted in cost savings for clients across the US. For detailed information on Caltha’s stormwater services, go to Caltha Storm Water Permitting and Compliance page.
RCRA Permit & Treatment, Storage & Disposal (TSDF) Permit
Caltha provides special expertise in RCRA permitting and in permitting of hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities (TSDF). Caltha’s staff have managed TSDFs in the past and understand the unique requirements of this sector. Caltha also provides technical support to small quantity generators (SQG) and large quantity generators (LQG) to comply with RCRA and State hazardous waste management rules.
Aboveground & Underground Storage Tank Permit
Rules on above and underground storage tanks are complex and vary widely between States and local jurisdictions. Regulated tanks may require permits, registration or notification prior to installation. In some cases, adding new tanks or modifying existing ones can change a facility’s requirements under 40 CFR 112 (“SPCC Rule”), especially if the facility exceeds the threshold for SPCC compliance. Caltha provides expert consulting on Federal, State and local tank regulations and permitting, and can prepare Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plans to comply with the SPCC Rule, and State spill prevention plan requirements.


Caltha posts write-ups on selected projects on our web site. You can view an archive of past project summaries for this service area by clicking on one of the general project categories listed below:

>  Permitting